Mother’s Day Gift
This year I decided to surprise my mom with a family crest! Since we have to stay home to stay safe, I thought this would make her feel loved and connected. I sent her the digital files as well as some really cute printed goodies. She loved it and I look forward to printing more stationery and gifts for her.
Their Story Represented
Our family is a blended one. My step-father lost his first wife to cancer in 2006 and my mom went through a painful divorce around the same time. Prior to that, our families knew one another from attending church together. This crest represents the life my mom and step-father, Paul, have built together including the four of us kids: Alicia (me), Nathan, Derek, and David. Also our beloved rescue dog, Tilly! She’s an English & German Pointer mix who loves to hunt and protect us from Pennsylvania wildlife in the yard. (Anything from squirrels and chipmunks to deer and the occasional bear.)
Printing the Crest
My mom is the recipient of every new goodie I think of adding to my crest shop. (And she loves it!) Some of her favorites are the crest garden flag, neoprene coasters, and the 11″x14″ print for their home. Scroll down to see the adorable recipe cards I made her. I’m considering adding these to the crest shop, too! 🙂

Tilly sporting her new watercolor crest pet bandana!
Get Started on a Custom Crest
Want to learn more about the process? Start here. Or if you’re ready to book, contact me here. You can also reach me at
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